Catering facilities plan to improve offerings

More than 6,300 people participated in the survey on catering facilities at ETH Zurich. Many respondents were satisfied, but there were also some critical comments. The facilities are now acting on the suggestions made by their customers.

Enlarged view: Dozentenfoyer
The guests requested a greater variety. (Photo: SV Group)

The respondents rated the staff and the environment (furnishings and crockery) particularly highly. The drinks, especially the quality of the coffee and tea, were also well received. Compared to the 2012 survey, respondents saw room for improvement in the salad offerings, hot meals, snacks and sandwiches, and value for money. The Clausiusbar, bQm and Dozentenfoyer had the most satisfied customers.

The satisfaction level is also reflected in the number of visits: 95 per cent of the ETH community visit the catering establishments at ETH Zurich, with two thirds of respondents visiting more than twice a week. This represents a notable increase in customer loyalty compared with the previous survey in 2012.

Greater variety requested

Customers saw the greatest need for improvement in the variety of foods on offer, sustainability aspects, and waiting times. In response to this feedback, the Catering Commission, which carried out the survey, asked the caterers, SV, Compass, and Eldora, to identify and adopt specific improvements in each of their operations. Posters on display in each of the catering facilities from mid-September will show customers what is being done to improve services.

The survey was carried out in November and December 2014. Of the 27,934 people invited to participate in the survey, 6,371 people (22.8 per cent) took part. Six per cent of the respondents were vegetarian and one per cent were vegan.

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